A D.U.B.B. Special News report

This is a special News report live from the Blaack House


We interrupt your regular station Program to bring you this message from special news correspondent Dubbyooo……Dubb, what do you have for us…….

This is T Dubb reporting live and uncensored ( at least for the moment) with this special news report.

Live From the Blaack House

Live uncut, uncensored, raw and tough love coverage from the Black House

Welcome to the 12 o’clock black news
The Dubb stands here alone because he refuses
The destruction of black minds…the messages you are about to witness is unkind
Here in this surrounding, I am free…to be totally me…and give you what they don’t want
You to see…
Our top story:

The KKK is very much alive, fully functional and active…
No longer do they have to be proactive
Instead of white men in robes, there are now black faces…now doing the chases
They have taken the white boys places…silly asses are now
Killing other black faces
The black community is indeed horrified and in a grave state

This just in:

There has been reported a growing number of bisexual black men
Their sorry claims have been “What? Gay?? No that’s not me!!!”
Yet continually infecting the Black Queens with HIV
Claiming they aren’t gay but like to have sex with other men
Since when…has a penis in another man’s butt NOT been…
A clear-cut sign of a homosexuality phenomenon??
The surgeon general has issued this warning:
“If he doesn’t appear gay please don’t make the assumption he isn’t on
The down low…
Pick your partners carefully and not at random
Until you are completely sure of his status to make sure he wraps that pickle
Up with a condom.”

More news:

The former United States president( G-Dubb) was factually found using war and other false claims for his own agenda
He used government-controlled media to spread his deceitful propaganda
The bastard stole the election, sent many to die…for a lie…. and get this newsflash
The cocksucker doesn’t give a shit about the black masses…. those that voted for him
Didn’t you feel like some stupid jackasses??
The sorry bitch quadrupled the national debt
And his second term wasn’t even finished yet

In other news:

Grandmothers are now in their thirties, reason because kids are raising one another.
This at an alarming rate…getting high, acting stupid and having sex
Is the life they swear is so great
I am vexed.
The younger they are the younger they are having sex
And if it keeps up know what’s next?
I sure as hell don’t want to be here when that day arrives
Little black girls pregnant at the ripe old age of nine

In a related story:

Girls are going around wearing less and less…thinking it’s truly ok
To be looking a hot ass mess

Another late-breaking story:

Instead of doing for self a majority of Blacks are looking for handouts
Whites in America are secretly and silently wishing they would just get the hell out
Asking God to bless America…and please send these niggers back to Africa
Black people can’t seem to grasp the concept of a love of self
Too damn busy in love with the white folk’s life and wealth


The niggers are killing each other!!!
Seems like no matter what…. they can’t get their shit together
Gas prices are up…black minds are tore up
All they want to do is get crunked up….


Black consciousness continues to go down


The elders that have passed looks down on today’s generation with a frown
Officials have determined that if Black folks don’t get their shit straight
The next generation will suffer an even more dreaded fate

Flowda police handcuffed a five-year-old little girl
Black folks are silent while white folks rejoice…the cops made the right choice
The whites and uncle toms proclaim all is right with the world
Surprise surprise…hiding under false pretenses of kindness and lies
“We are all one color and one race” is the new disguise
As long as there are revolutionaries present the revolution WON’T be televised!!

In other news:

In an effort to kill another whose skin likened to his own
A man fled the scene of a shooting of a 7-year old that was his own
Black men appear to not be standing up because they are constantly falling down
They seem to only be concerned with acting like dumb ass clowns
Young black men masses…pants hanging all past down their asses
Blacks, in general, are in a deep sleep in alarming numbers
But there is hope
The conscious ones are in a constant fight to awaken them from their slumber
That’s the end of this broadcast from one not scared to tell it
I will be back with more as these stories develop
Even if I have to go to rooftop to rooftop to yell it
This newscast has been brought to you by Kahn-Tim- Plation Network programming where we try to raise your consciousness……………Now back to your original program