“My country tis of thee- Sweet land of liberty(We as Minorities are still working on that one) Of thee I’m gon speak on. Land where my fathers died, Land where my fathers died, Land where my fathers died……………………. WHAT NOW”?
After hundreds of years of freedom; My brothers and sisters most of us still inhibit solitude in our minds. still slaves of a new kind. Materialism and shine continue to make us blind Ferguson, Oregon, Oakland, New Jersey, from Tennessee to DC We march and cry for justice for the lost lives and equality but when it’s all said and done we choose to remain trapped in this cycle of low quality full of frivolity. We speak on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness but by everything I have seen, we continue to live in strife, bigamy and
foolishness What now? I’m putting in my nickels worth, and saying-our civil rights are nothing more than civil wrongs but what are we really doing, besides sanging the pity song? I see the man in the mirror, and he is the one I am placing blame on cause we continue to fall short as if there was never a reason. I’m just speaking what I feel, like y’all like to say “keeping it real” but you want to label me like I committed grand treason I’m just saying, it’s not as if King, Parks, and many more did not stand, sit, march, and die for our freedom Yes Our America, has failed us time and time again I ask that you not depend on a country to ascend with what the lord has placed within lady Liberty has written a check with insufficient funds but that is no excuse to be the deficient ones My
brothers and sisters, I ask you What now? There is nothing better than the present, and nothing more important than right now no better time to stand up and not bow down. My people, it is true, patience is a virtue- but procrastination is sure to hurt you This is just a lil sumtin-sumtin with my bro, my homie Rob- Dubb-U to alert you remember the names and remember how we brought this to you but on the real know this……Only you can convert you listen up with the urgency of an emergency we need you to emerge-n-see and make the sacrifices for our kin create a new path for our children’s children because if you love em you don’t want them to succumb to the same wrath swim with the tide, and get out of the quicksand because there is nothing that a solid rock of unity cannot withstand really have your brothers back and realize he ain’t really heavy because-trying to do it alone in this world just shows em we
this world just shows em we ain’t ready so What now? we can do this people, we can gain our rights, without having to get on the devils level & do wrongful deeds We as a people will never succeed, if we continue to place our wants above our needs, Are y’all hearing this? Yes! though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we should not explore the alley of the blind our lord and savior granted me much common sense, while others are mindless hmnn…we all seem to want the blue skies without having to get through the storm but are not willing to go there, walking the miles to get there due to the fact that it will take too long it seems as though the educational system is only convenient, to those already educated it’s only the hungry who are truly motivated I’m saying this because I feel it is necessary lets learn, make and continue our history longer than what we are given in February be of value before, you are lay to rest in some cemetery daily I preach on breaking the chains of Psychological slavery help me as I help you transform fears into bravery deep down can you feel, the things our ancestors had to endure, but we physically never went through I have only this to ask you What now? Girl, Lady, Mz Liberty…..I simply ask, where do we go from here?